• Saplings and Berries

Raspberry saplings and berries

Raspberries are one of the berries with the lowest sugar content. Despite their sweet taste, raspberries contain little energy. Glucose and fructose are responsible for the raspberry’s sweet taste. The latter is the sweetest natural sugar. Raspberries are also low in calories but high in fiber. Fiber contributes to a feeling of fullness, organizes our digestion, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and helps remove toxins, waste products, including excess cholesterol, from the body. Fibers are divided into water-soluble and water-insoluble. The body needs both of them in more or less equal amounts. Raspberries are rich in both types of fiber.
Raspberries are rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Vitamin C in raspberries supports the immune system and skin and helps to produce collagen. Berries also contain manganese and vitamin K, both of which are important for the strength of our bones. Raspberries also provide smaller amounts of vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, copper, iron and potassium.

Raspberries for eating and making jam

Berries are available in season in July-August. The price is according to the market situation.

Raspberries for eating are packaged into 250g and 500g boxes.
You can buy jam berries by the kilo.

Raspberry bare-root seedlings

Varieties Glen Ample and Novokitaivska.

Available in September-November.

Raspberry saplings and berries

Raspberries for eating and making jam

Berries are available in season in July-August. The price is according to the market situation.

Raspberries for eating are packaged into 250g and 500g boxes.
You can buy jam berries by the kilo.

Raspberry bare-root seedlings

Varieties Glen Ample and Novokitaivska.

Available in September-November.

Raspberry saplings and berries

Raspberries for eating and making jam

Berries are available in season in July-August. The price is according to the market situation.

Raspberries for eating are packaged into 250g and 500g boxes.
You can buy jam berries by the kilo.

Raspberry bare-root seedlings

Varieties Glen Ample and Novokitaivska.

Available in September-November.

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